A study that examines the exact route by which an intervention produces an effect.
A method of statistical analysis that combines results from multiple similar trials. Meta-analyses are considered to provide the most rigorous possible conclusions about an intervention.
Mixed Methods Study
A study that collects and combines quantitative and qualitative data.
Null Hypothesis
A default position that one cannot assume a cause and effect relationship exists between observed phenomena; the null hypothesis suggests that no difference will be seen between a control group and an intervention group.
Observational Study
A study in which the investigator passively observes what happens in various circumstances, but does not try to influence those circumstances.
Calculated probability that a result is linked to an intervention, and not to random chance.
Pilot Study
An initial look at a hypothesis; pilot studies are typically small in scale and designed to determine whether a larger more robust study is justified.
Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN)
A practice-based research network is a group of practices devoted principally to the care of patients and affiliated for the purpose of examining the health care processes that occur in practices. PBRNs are characterized by an organizational framework that transcends a single practice or study.
Proof-Of-Concept Study
A small project that tests whether a principle or idea has potential to be useful in a larger scale project.
Qualitative Research
Studies in which data reflect qualities, or descriptive observation properties, rather than objectively defined measures. Qualitative research often includes semi-structured interviews and openended questions.