A form of massage stroke where a part of the body (fingers/elbow) moves over the body location without moving across the skin, moving the tissues underneath (types include deep, transverse, Cyriax).
Hot Stone Massage
The addition of heated stones to a Swedish massage for warmth and relaxation.
Massage Therapy
General term for massage practices specifically designed to enhance health. The profession of massage therapy (or a massage therapist) is the licensed, certified practice of the profession of massage.
Muscle Energy
Uses subtle work to mobilize joints and relax muscles through active contractions and movement.
Myofascial Release/Massage
Uses sustained pressure and stretching of body tissue working with the fascial lines/planes of the body to release chronic tension, pain and movement restrictions. Pressure is typically moderate to deep, and done without lubrication.
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)
Used to assess, treat and prevent soft-tissue injuries and chronic pain through the release of trigger points.
Postural Integration
Done in a series of sessions used to release fascia layers and involves working with the emotions.
Practice of breath control usually combined with yoga.
A form of body-posture and movement therapy that uses breathing and mediation to improve wellness.
A type of bodywork that uses gentle/firm pressure on reflex areas of the hand/feet or ears that map to specific areas of the body.