Massage to reduce stress, pain, anxiety, nausea, and fatigue associated with cancer and treatment or history of cancer. Special training required.
Health Care
Palliative Care
Massage designed to reduce stress, pain, anxiety, and fatigue and other symptoms associated with long term illness, treatment disease or dying.
Pre/Post Natal
Special massage (similar to Swedish) designed to safely reduce the discomforts of pregnancy and help post-partum recovery. Specially designed tables or bolsters help the patient be comfortable during treatment. Specific points or areas of the body and some oils are avoided.
Range of Motion (ROM)
Movement around a specific joint or body part. Patients can have reduce ROM or excessive ROM, either may lead to pain or injury.
Movement of the body to increase flexibility and improve range of motion. Several different types of stretching can be used.
Therapeutic Touch
Is a non-contact energy therapy working with the energy fields of the body.
Trigger Point
Trigger points are areas/cords of tightness in muscles that cause pain (local or referred), numbness, tingling or decreased range of motion (movement). Pressure applied to these areas can cause resolution of the condition. Typically done without lubrication or throughout other types of massage.
The state of being in good health, or the pursuit of good health. Wellness areas may include spiratual, physical, emotional, intellectional, environmental, social, career. Finding balance in these seven areas.